

Originally uploaded by Speedie1.
A Really Good Day
A really Good Day for Ireland! and...
Today was a really good day!
a) For myself personally- I was honoured to have an article published in the prestigious daily ‘Irish Times’ newspaper on the Primary School Science project that I manage. Known as ‘Fionn’, the programme equips and trains teachers and children to produce their own annual science documentary. More details tomorrow!

b) For Ireland- the IRA announced an end to the 36 year 'Armed Struggle'. As a long-time democratic Irish republican, I have to congratulate Gerry Adams & Martin McGuinness for their decisive leadership in bringing this campaign to an end.
Let us hope and pray that the so-called Loyalist (drug-dealing) gangs also disarm; that the Unionist politicians break down their elitist 'Fortress Mentality' to engage with their fellow Irishmen & women i.e. Irish Republicans & that the British government push bring through much-needed social and political reform. Because for Peace to take root and grow, the nourishment of Justice must be provided.

Machine Locusts Over Galway!
Originally uploaded by Speedie1.
Like a swarm of tropical locusts the helicopters descend out of the skies over Galway during Race Week. Then, as suddenly as they appear, they vanish after 7 days of feverish activity. Never to be seen or heard of for another year.