
Walking Poles

With an estimated 7,000-8,000 living locally, Polish people form by far the biggest non-national group in Galway city. This translates to 1 in every 7 inhabitants! Yet in spite of the arrival of such a huge number in the space of a few short years, Poles have fitted in quite well into Irish society and there has been little or no antagonism which reflects well on all sides.
However, it is felt that this large Polish population has not yet translated into an effective cohesive community.
So some locally-based Poles have set up 'The Galway Irish – Polish Association' as a national cultural and social group. They are organising a 'get-to-know you' walk in the Oranmore area on Sunday 9th Sept.
Called the 'INTEGRATIONAL WALK' the meeting point will be at the Fountain in Eyre Square at 12.30pm with the start of the walk at 14.00 at the Oranmore Church Car park.
It is an attempt by the organisers to bring their people together socially and combat a 'Poles Apart' attitude (Sorry about the pun!).
If you want to participate in the walk: send a text to 0868072217 (Marta) to confirm your attendance.
'A Popular Polish Prayer'!?
I found this witty image on the Internet!
Stowarzyszenie Polsko – Irlandzkie w Galway zaprasza na SPACER INTEGRACYJNY który odbędzie się w niedzielę, 9 września 2007 roku Jeżeli chciałbyś poznać nowych ludzi, dowiedzieć się, czym zajmuje się nasze stowarzyszenie albo po prostu milo spędzić niedziele w międzynarodowym towarzystwie, przyłącz się do nas! Punk zbiorczy: fontanna na Eyre Square, Galway, g. 12:30 Miejsce startu: parking przy kosciele w Oranmore, g. 14:00 Koszty transportu z Galway do Oranmore pokrywają uczestnicy z własnej kieszeni (ok. 5 euro)

Zgłoś swoje uczestnictwo w spacerze, wysyłając SMSa na numer 0868072217 (Marta)

Focus on Poles in Galway- No. 1
Sebastian Kruk
is a Project Manager with the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) at National University of Ireland Galway (NUIG) and a leading authority on Semantic Digital Library research

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