
April Fools' Day in Ireland- Is the Joke on Us?!

Fine Gael's Leo Varadkar

Is the Joke on the Irish people as the new Irish Fine Gael/Labour coalition government breaks public promises made only a few weeks ago just prior to the General Election?!

Yesterday it was yet again more monies to the failed Irish banking sector as the government gave over 24billion euros. This represents the fifth bailout of these incompetent financial institutions that has led to the debt enslavement of the Irish people for at least another generation. The fifth bailout in just over 2 years when we were told at the first bailout in 2008 by the then Fianna Fail/Green government; that the 5billion euro given from the Irish taxpayer then would be the last, & would represent the cheapest bailout by a state in the history of the world. Now we find out that, at a present total of over 70billion euros, it is the most expensive ever in the history of the world!!

This Fine Gael/Labour lot is behaving like the last bunch.

Labour Party leader Eamon Gilmore said in February that Labour in government would not take orders from the European Central Bank (ECB) when the interests of the country was been undermined. He called on the electorate to trust Labour to change the terms of the EU-IMF bailout package and stated bluntly It’s Frankfurt’s (ECB HQ) way or Labour’s way”. Check Irish Times article.

Leo Varadaker said, on behalf of Fine Gael, on Feb 10th:
"Any bank coming to us looking for more money is going to have to show how they are going to impose losses on their junior bondholders, on their senior bondholders, and on other creditors before they come looking to us for any more money. Not another cent."

Read the Irish Examiner for more.

So yet again, these mysterious bondholders (i.e. financial gamblers)
are protected whilst those others responsible for the crisis- the politicians, bankers and property speculators - still enjoy ostentatious lifestyles while we continue to pay for their greedy ways.
I thought that this new bunch of ministers were supposed to bring morality, justice and public service back into governance?

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