Please help us this Saturday (April 8th) in creating another wildflower-rich woodland habitat in Terryland Forest Park for native Irish flora and for pollinators such as bees, butterflies, moths, beetles and bats whose existence is threatened by pollution, invasive species, urbanization, loss of habitat and the use of pesticides and herbicides in modern farming.
Flora and fauna species are declining alarmingly as a countryside, that was once populated with flowers representing all the colours of the rainbows and throbbed to the sounds of a wide of variety bees and birds, is sadly becoming a thing of the past.
We asking lovers of Nature in Galway to be part of a local, national and international movement that is trying to reverse this worldwide problem by transforming what were once biodiversity-poor fields, in what has been a community-driven 180 acre urban forest park project since 2000, into lush colourful meadows, hedgerows and woods that are alive with the sights, smells and sounds of birds, mammals, insects and plants.
Under the expert tutelage of Padraic Keirns, Conservation Volunteers Galway and Conservation Volunteers Terryland Forest Park are once again organising another major re-flowering and litter pick within Terryland. This time it will be in woods near the Quincenntennial Bridge-DĂșn na Coiribe-Headford Road junction.
Rendezvous: 10am near the Curry's (Galway Retail Park) entrance to Terryland Forest Park.
Google Map link:
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