
Mr Origami- A Veteran Star of the Galway Science & Technology Festival’s Sunday Fair

After being absent since 2019 due to COVID, the Galway Science and Technology Festival Fair made a welcome return to the University of Galway campus. Approximately 22,000 visited this major event in the Galway calendar, showing the appetite that people of all ages have for Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths (STEAM) in Galway city and county. This was probably our largest attendance ever!

Thanks to all involved- student volunteers, stand exhibitors, grounds staff...all working in unison with manager Anne Murray and the organising committee at the helm.
One person at the Sunday Fair who encapsulates all five elements of STEAM is Tom Cuffe, a true gentleman and Galway's master practitioner of the Japanese art of Origami.
For so many years his one-man stand to the right of the main entrance of Áras na Mac Léinn is one of the most popular stop-off points for visitors wanting an enjoyable hands-on experience. His display of a wide range of intricate paper sculptures is simply breathtaking.
Using folding techniques, and without the use of glue, markers or cuts, Tom helps people to transform simple flat square sheets of paper into birds, geometric shapes and so much more.
Photo shows Tom in a stunningly beautiful waistcoat standing beside my stunningly beautiful wife Cepta.

What can Galway Learn from Belfast?


Let's learn from the positive transformational Experiences of other Cities across the globe in how to make Galway a more livable, attractive, sustainable and biodiversity-rich city.

We in Galway can learn from the experiences and practices of other cities in Ireland, Europe and beyond in how to integrate Greenways and Waterways into urban infrastructure and in promoting sustainability.
All are welcome to attend (online or in person) the 'Urban Blueways & Greenways' seminar/webinar that will take place in the Data Science Institute (DSI) at the University of Galway at 11.30am (90min) on Wednesday November 23 when one of the speakers will be Michele Bryans will talk about the Connswater Greenway project and the effect it has had specifically on the east side of Belfast, and generally for the city. 
Michele Bryans is Chief Executive of East Side Partnership, where she has overall responsibility for management and strategic development.
The event is organised by the Galway National Park City initiative as part of the fantastic Galway Science & Technology Festival