In a recent edition of the Galway Advertiser newspaper, local councillor Michael Crowe called on those who portrayed him as a “
Redneck, Idiot and Cromwell” for his anti-tree comments to
“…leave personal insults out of it. Just because you disagree with someone does not necessitate you resorting to name calling…”.Fair enough. But is this not the same honourable gentleman who a few months ago referred to local anti-war activists as “
lunatics”, a “…rent-a-crowd brigade… who if they don’t like which way the sun comes up stick up a few posters…(and)…go out protesting…”?
Councillor Crowe is the politician who a few weeks ago made headlines with his "...I am sick of trees all over the city..." -See my article in the '
Friends of the Terryland Forest Park', the campaign website set up to stop the destruction of a vital ecological corridor by the proposal of council officials to build a road through the grounds of an urban forest park