Martin Gettings, Group Director Sustainability, Canary Wharf Group |
“One of the most inspirational forward-looking meetings ever to
take place in Galway in the modern era was recently organised by the Galway
National Park City initiative for the benefit of the councillors and officials
of Galway City Council. Chaired by Micheál Ó Cinnéide, ex director of the Environmental
Protection Agency(EPA) , and formally launched by Mayor Colette Connolly, presentations
were made from an array of world renowned London-based developers as well as a
senior official at Cardiff City Council; the chief executive of World Urban
Parks and former senior government official in Australia; a former European
Union official recently involved in the development of the Green Deal; and the
founder of the London National Park City. All these experienced and highly
respected individuals spoke of their support of the ‘National Park City’
designation and the benefits that it could bring Galway. In a week when
governments, businesses and civil society are coming together at COP26 in order
to tackle the interconnected crises of
Climate Chaos, biodiversity loss and pandemics which are the defining
characteristics of our age, it is recognised that the main battlefront in this
war to save the planet lies not in the shrinking tropical forests, the melting
ice-caps or the vast expanse of the warming oceans but rather in the cities
where over 50% of the human population now live. For cities consume over
two-thirds of the world's energy and account for more than 70% of global CO2
emissions. And it is coastal cities such as Galway that are most at risk from
the devastating impact of global warming, such as rising sea levels and
powerful seaborne sto
UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres warned that we are still on track
for a climate catastrophe of apocalyptic proportions as there is a huge gap in
leadership on tackling the crisis.
The Galway National Park City initiative could play a part in overcoming
this serious deficit. It principles are available at www.galwaynationalparkcity.com. It represents a
once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to harness the fantastic range of talents and world
class expertise found amongst the stakeholders of our great city, to reimagine
our urban landscape, and to be a leader and a role model for other Irish cities
to emulate. But time is our enemy in this fast changing world. Galway City
Council must now grasp the opportunity that it is being presented to it by a
coalition of champions drawn from education, business, scientific research, technology,
architecture, arts, youth, health and community interests and to follow the
lead of national, regional and local governments stretching from Cardiff to
Adelaide in supporting this new and inspirational designation.”
-Brendan Smith, convenor, Galway National Park City initiative
Extracts from the speakers presentations
“The National Park City is a positive vision for the future that can
bring people together to make life better in cities… with nine out of ten
Londoners supporting it…(it is) not a reward for what is already there but a
challenge and incentive for coming up with a plan for current and future
initiatives…to share best practice with other cities across the world… a
reference for inspiring development and is part of the Mayor Sadiq Khan’s environment
strategy to make London 50% green…people have been working for decades to make
the city greener, healthier, wilder, to get more people out of doors but the
National Park City status is about joining up and connecting everyone from
local residents to developers towards shaping a new identity for London and
Londoners to have our city known not just as a cultural or financial centre but
also as an ecological centre where 15,000 species live and nearly half the city
is physically green and blue.”
- Daniel Raven-Ellison, founder of the London National Park
“Quintain develops and invests in property in the UK and Ireland, most famous
for our 85 acre site at Wembley Park and previously Greenwich Peninsula. We
look at the National Park City as a positive thing and an asset…(it is) about
development that creates new natural landscapes… helping to link new green
spaces with existing green spaces in North West London…Key aspect of the London
National Park City is in connecting peoples…creating new greener and wilder spaces and
championing them…In the National Park City “Developers’ Forum”, we have other
developers that are like-minded and abide by the same principles.”
-Julian Tollast, Head of
Masterplanning and Design, Quintain
Matthew Weaver
“Fabrix is a property investment and development business,
specialising in bringing value to underutilised and overlooked urban spaces.
Through a fresh approach to finance, technology, and architecture, Fabrix is
pioneering a highly flexible model of urban development….We combine the highest
standards of design and environmental performance to create healthy, desirable
spaces that are future-proofed for the ever-changing urban landscape…COVID has
brought into focus the need for healthy workspaces…including (the) introduction
or re-introduction of nature into the urban landscape…National Park City
Developers’ Forum is helping to have the principles of making city greener,
healthier and wilder happen…the National Park City principles were never seen as a
hindrance, in fact the principles have guided us (and) ensured that our plans
have received a high level of support from…investors… residents, business and
community organisations.”
-Matthew Weaver, Corporate Investment Manager, Fabrix
Natasha Zlobec | | |
“Sectorlight works predominately with developers but also…connecting
people with places in a meaningful way be it in a home, office building or in
the neighbourhood of a city…noticed a huge enthusiasm amongst our clients for
the National Park City movement…public mindset has changed due to lockdowns.
Connecting to outdoor green space and to nature has become much more important…months
of lockdown has fuelled demands for more green spaces in built environment…developers
across all sectors (are) now interested like never before in greener and healthier
spaces for a way of…attracting new talent and…engaging their audiences…our
clients…interested now in what is happening not only with their own buildings
but also in the wider area in the public realm….We are working with entire
districts to entice people back… (there is an increased) drive to create more
attractive, more engaged public spaces… a demand for green and blue spaces that
bring people together to enhance wellbeing…People do not want their environment
to be grey and dull, they want green, blue and vibrant public and private
spaces that work for nature as well as for people.”
-Natasha Zlobec, Creative Director, Sectorlight and strategic
advisor to the Developers’ Forum of the London National Park City.
“At AECOM, we believe infrastructure creates opportunities for
everyone – uplifting communities, improving access and sustaining our planet…The
National Park City movement is not a signal to the world that we are
restricting development… (rather it) provides a framework for providing higher
quality development…it is (about) greener, healthier liveable climate-resilient
cities…While it may be a challenge to the ‘development community’ as a whole, (nevertheless)
it is one that we need to rise too.”
-Michael Henderson, Director of Sustainability, AECOM Europe.
Emily Hamilton
“The National Park City Developers’ Forum has allowed developers to
come together to share their experiences…Developers have seen that making a
place greener, healthier and wilder can be an incredible catalyst to making
places more liveable. ‘Development’ and National Park City principles…are very
much linked…Investors from sustainable investments funds …such as pension
funds...are wanting to invest in greener projects.
The Forum is about developers working outside their red line
boundaries, about getting developers with plots of land beside each other to
speak to each other and (develop greenways and green connections)…The growing Sustainable
Finance Investment landscape is a huge opportunity for Galway through the Galway
National Park City to get the best investment for your city.”
-Emily Hamilton, head of Environment Protection,
Social Responsibility and Corporate Governance (ESG) at Savills Investment, and
co-founder of the Developers’ Forum of the London National Park City
“I have a background in government, in creating partnership models
and (being a) world commissioner on protected areas. The question for Galway
and for all of us is ‘Do you lead or do you follow?’…It was not government that
created the ‘national park’ (idea) but an individual with a vision. There was
no legislative basis for it. So why would you do it? … For the value that
nature gives us in our health (is) obvious…in the 1980s national parks started
to occur in cities…they were a community-driven process…I was involved in the
‘healthy parks, healthy people’ initiative… but what has shifted now is the
move towards a true partnership (between governments and)…communities…enabling
and empowering them”
-Neil McCarthy, Chief Executive Officer of World
Urban Parks
“In the last 30 years we at the Canary Wharf Group
have transformed this east end site into Europe's largest ever regeneration
project… We recently became the UK’s largest sustainable developer due to the
fact that we have delivered over 11,000,000 million square feet of sustainably
certified floorspace; have not sent any waste to landfill from our
managed areas for over a decade; use only renewable
electricity; are committed to net zero carbon by 2030; and are close to nature with the first developer-led Biodiversity Action
Plan in the UK (2004)… we have supported the bid for London National Park City status
since day 1!...The pandemic for all its ills has has had the effect of galvanising our resilience and heightened our
understanding that, when it comes to global challenges, we stand as one. It has
started to re-forge our relationship with the built environment. People are
starting to realise, more and more, the effects that ‘place’ can have, not only
on their own health and wellbeing, but on local and global ecosystems…To tackle
‘Sustainable Development Goals’ we need ‘Sustainable Development Action’. And
we have aligned our strategy with the sustainability development goals (SDGs)…All
of this means that we can now raise green finance based on our existing green
portfolio and our future plans…We see the aims of the National Park City as in
absolute alignment with this. In fact it underpins this and gives a purpose for delivering the SDGs and a mandate for Green
Finance and Social Bonds.
Is National Park City status a barrier to
development? No! It’s the opposite. It’s an enabler!!
When a city has National Park City status it
drives quality planning and development which takes into account the needs of
all its residents, large and small
We use the equation, more biodiversity = more
green space = more nature = more happy people = more attraction = more
investment, and so on…
A city with a National Park City status helps
create the conditions for places, people and nature to thrive. We truly believe
that the… collaborative…culture that built Canary Wharf is the same that we
need to address the climate and biodiversity crises…We’ve entered (an era) where
climate action, wellbeing and resource use aren’t just another problem, they are going to be the reason we’re all
in business.”
Martin Gettings, Group Director Sustainability, Canary Wharf Group
“The Green Deal is the first time that the
environment is at the top of European Union’s agenda and at the heart of
economic development...its lynchpin is the Climate Law agreed by all
governments in June 2021. 75% of the EU’s population live in cities. So anything
that works -new ideas and new approaches - in a city on environmental and
climate change can help all of us…The EU’s new City Action is “to support,
promote, and showcase 100 cities in their systematic transformation towards
climate neutrality and to make these cities into experimentation and innovation
hubs for all cities. ” It is about how sustainability needs a transformation of
our mind set but also the direct engagement of its citizens …bringing people
together from all walks of life and enables them to inspire and learn from each
other and how they can act as volunteer climate change ambassadors. This is
what the Galway National Park City (is all about)…it is a movement from the
ground up of committed people, volunteers who are engaged…in the green
transition…it clearly fits into the EU Green Deal because it is really where
citizens are trying to create a green deal, a local green deal for Galway…it is
direct evidence of citizen engagement,
If the Galway National Park City was recognised in the Development
Plan by Galway City Council, I would feel that it would be a hook to apply for
EU funding because it is a (true) recognition and evidence of citizen
-Kathryn Tierney, ex official at Directorate General
Environment of the European Commission and a policy coordinator for the
European ‘Green Deal’
“Cardiff Council passed a motion in January to support the
development of a National Park City for Cardiff..it has widespread endorsement
from all the political parties… Cardiff is one of the greenest cities in the UK
and wants to be a carbon neutral city by 2030…Community engagement is critical
for the council and the council sees the National Park Movement as a tool for
engaging with a wide range of stakeholders…council wants to be a faciliator for
the movment. The council is experiencing budget reductions but we don’t feel
that we will be hostages to fortune and are committed to building the momentum,
the campaign and in achieving the status of National Park City.
-Jonathan Maidment, Head of Parks & Harbour Authority,
Cardiff Council