My Writings (I hope!) reflect my Guiding Principles:
-'Enjoy Life to the Utmost but not at other people's expense'-'Think Global, Act Local'-'Variety is the Spice of Life'-'Use Technology & Wisdom to Make the World A Better Place for All God's Creatures'-'Do Not Accept Injustice No Matter Where You Find It'-'Laughter is the Best Medicine'
Goverment Should Ask for Resignation of Irish Taxi Regulator!
Kathleen Doyle, the Irish Taxi Regulator, is a huge waste of taxpayers monies & should resign after her embarrassing interview on RTE Radio's "Morning Ireland" programme.
She took little if any responsibility for the dire state of taxi regulation & monitoring in Ireland as portrayed on last night (May 16th 2011) on RTE's Prime Time excellent investigative programme which exposed the endemic corruption & criminality within the Irish government-created taxi service whereby convicted rapists, gangsters & murderers of innocent people are allowed to own taxis thus threatening the lives of innumerable Irish citizens. Doyle refused to go onto this public broadcasting programme to answer questions that citizens needed to know. This morning she waffled on & on about how good the regulations are rather than hold her hands up, admit things are bad, apologize to the Irish people, state that she wants stronger legislation and more resources to help her in her new crusade to root out criminality.
Sadly she inspired no confidence whatsoever in her answers that she will undertake such a course of action.Her explanations though shows that there are too many agencies involved in the whole process, thus allowing each one to pass the buck and blame others. Ex-minister Bobby Molloy introduced taxi de-regulation a few years ago, but never put in place a proper regulatory structure. Thus he bears a lot of blame for the present dire state of affairs. The dogs in the street knows how bad things are. But our civil servants and politicians for years have turned a blind eye. Once again it is RTE and public broadcasting's exposure of high levels corruption and state inactivity that may embarrass the political establishment to undertake corrective change. I am writing to the Minister for Transport asking him to ask for Doyle's resignation and t propose new laws to end criminality and ensure a proper public transport service
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