Speedie's Blog
My Writings (I hope!) reflect my Guiding Principles: -'Enjoy Life to the Utmost but not at other people's expense'-'Think Global, Act Local'-'Variety is the Spice of Life'-'Use Technology & Wisdom to Make the World A Better Place for All God's Creatures'-'Do Not Accept Injustice No Matter Where You Find It'-'Laughter is the Best Medicine'
The Age of Empires is Back.
Schools Days and School Nights!
Coding classes in Gaelscoil Mhic Amhlaigh; visits to our centre from St. Jarlath’s College (Tuam), Ballinrobe Community College (Mayo) and Galway Business School (Salthill) to experience Research Talks from our researchers, guided tours of the computer and communications museum, Python coding workshops and Virtual Reality sessions; Internet Safety talks in partnership with the Garda Síochána to the senior classes of Bushypark National School and Scoil Bhríde Shantalla; and finally Internet Safety talks in the evenings to the parents of Galway Educate Together Claregalway, Scoil Náisiúnta Bhaile Chláir na Gaillimhe and Scoil Náisiúnta na bhForbacha.
I would like then to publicly thank my Insight colleagues who this week volunteered their time and their ideas to upskilling and increasing the knowledge of our school communities whilst supporting the wonderful teachers who do so much to educate and prepare our young people for their current and future lives.
So a big Bualadh Bos(Irish = ‘A round of applause!’) to these volunteers, namely Abdul Wahid, Al Waskow, Atul Kr. Ojha, Bharathi Raja Chakravarthi, Duc-Duy Nguyen, Hassan Khan, Janak Kapuriya, Katarzyna Stasiewicz, Luke Porwol, Muhammad Asif Razzaq, Ph.D., Nitesh Bharot, Rory Ward and Shunmuga Priya
Terryland Forest Park 2000-2025: "Sowing Seeds for a Green Future"
St. Brigid's Day - a sign of the remarkable status of Women in early Celtic Ireland
Celtic female influence extended as far as Iceland....
Even outside Ireland, the influence of Irish women at this time (5-7th century) was felt- St. Ives in Cornwall is called after an Irish female saint (a.k.a. Eva or Aoife), St.Grimonia & St. Proba lived in France (Gaul) in the 4th century, St. Dardaloch in Pavia, Itay (c.300ad) and the nunnery in Austria made famous in the film and musical 'The Sound of Music' was probably founded by an Irish female missionary (Erintrude). In Iceland the hero of one of the great Icelandic Sagas is the Irish female slave Melkorka, a stong willed woman who refused to be coerced by humiliation, rape and brutality. In fact it has been noted by some that the status of women in Iceland (where I lived for a number of years), which was higher than in contemporary Scandinavian societies, possibly owed its origins to the impact exerted by the high number of Irish women living amongst the country's early Viking settlements- they were brought to the country as slaves and wives from the Viking towns of Ireland. It has been said that it was their influence that persuaded many of their pagan husbands to vote in favour of the country's adoption of Christianity at the famous 'Althingi' (parliament) of 1000AD.
This independent-minded spirit must have left a lasting legacy as Icelandic women were amongst the most successful in securing equal rights for women's during the course of the 20th century.
Female Celtic Warriors
- trained in martial arts and weaponry by Scathach
- first defeated in battle by Aoife
- protected by the War Goddess Morrigan
- kept on the 'straight and narrow' (most of the time!) by his strong-willed wifeEmer
- nursed back to health from near fatal battle wounds by his mistress Niamh
- and killed by the army of Queen Maeve.
Brigit was also a powerful Celtic goddess of fertility associated with the birth of animals and symbolised by fire. Hence her links with one of the four great pagan festivals of the seasons- the Spring Festival of 'Imbolc' which occurs in February and the time of 'lambing'.It is therefore quite possible that St. Brigit was originally a high priestess of the pagan goddess Brigit who converted along with her female followers to Christianity during the time of St. Patrick.

Rape of Brigit & decline in the status of Women in Irish society
But over time, the importance of women in society was reduced as Viking raids, wars and the growing influence of the patrician 'male only' Vatican took its toll. The death knell came in 1132 when it seems troops of the King of Leinster Dermot MacMurrough sacked the monastery, raped the abbess Brigit, carried her off and forcibly had her married to one of his followers. As is the case throughout the history of humanity, 'rape' is used as the ultimate weapon against female independence and the physical symbol of man's power over womankind. McMurrough is the same man who invited the British Normans to Ireland to aid him in his wars; they of course soon decided to conquer the country for themselves staying in the process for over 800 years
Lá Fhéile Bríde- the Offspring of the Fallen will Regenerate the Forest
On Lá Fhéile Bríde/St Brigid’s Day, Tuatha volunteers gathered on the banks of the River Corrib beside the ruins of the Terryland Castle, originally built in the 13th century by the Anglo-Norman invaders at a narrow point of the river to monitor water traffic and to act as part of the city's outer defenses against the native Gaelic Irish.
Today this area represents the start (western boundary) of the Terryland Forest Park Galway whose defenders and guardians are the Tuatha and the council parks staff.
This morning the Tuatha gave due recognition and respect to Lá Fhéile Bríde as the first day in the Celtic calendar of Spring, the season of rebirth.
In the photo, our volunteers hold saplings grown from the seeds of trees planted in the park 25 to 20 years ago by the people of Galway. These saplings, from our new in-park nursery, will be planted next month to replace trees that fell during last week's devastating Storm Éolwyn.
It is so beautiful to know that offspring of some of these trees will replace their fallen parents and help the diverse life of the forest continue on into the next 25 years.
The King of the Forest has fallen
Devastating news! 😢😢😢. Tuatha volunteer John Sinnott and myself are just back from reviewing the damage caused to the Terryland Forest Park by Storm Éowyn. Lots of trees damaged and uprooted as a result.
Worse news of all is what happened overnight in the ‘Oak Grove’ planted on March 12th 2000 to serve as the symbolic centrepiece of Ireland’s first and largest urban native community woodland. Last month volunteers joyously started to lay the foundations of a mystical and scientific giant Fairy Ring in a circle around this oak tree to serve as an eclectic forest Outdoor Classroom (photo) that was agreed with Galway City Council to be the location for the official 25th birthday celebrations of Terryland Forest Park.
We expected this tree to last many hundreds of years serving humanity and biodiversity throughout its long life.
Sadly early this morning, it was a victim of the storm of the century (photo).
I am heartbroken 😢
But now we as members of the forest park volunteer group have to be brave and assess what can be done.
Maybe we can use some of the wood of the most famous tree in the park to not only to be a home for biodiversity as 'deadwood', but also to make a series of wooden sculptures to be placed along a new heritage trail? We will be contacting the parks management of Galway City Council to review the situation and come up with a plan.
But sadly we know that in the years ahead such storms are going to be become more frequent as a result of the unstable weather caused by the mam-made global Climate Crisis.
We as volunteers, cognizant of health and safety procedures, will tomorrow be picking up litter blown into the park by the storm and clearing paths of fallen branches.
Creating a giant 'Fairy Ring' at Christmastime
Weaving olden dances
Mingling hands and mingling glances
Till the moon has taken flight..."
Celebrating Diversity at Christmas in a Galway university research centre.
The annual Galway Science & Technology Festival Exhibition is tomorrow!
The World Deserves Better than Harris & Trump
Today I enjoyed Dancing with a Lovely & Happy Partner on a Virtual Reality dance floor!
This morning/afternoon, my brilliant friend Luke Porwol (right of photo) gave a training session to his colleagues who have volunteered to mentor workshops on Virtual Reality (VR) to schools visiting our Insight Research Ireland Centre for Data Analytics at the University of Galway as part of theGalway Science and Technology Festival.
Creating a 'Fairy Ring' in a sacred Oak Grove in the Heart of the Forest
The tradition of a Celtic Halloween continues at our home!
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Halloween at our home in 2016 |

Help Create a new Wetland in the heart of Galway City
Making a Difference - SDG-themed Research at the Insight Centre for Data Analytics of the University of Galway.
I was very proud of my colleagues today at the Insight SFI Research Centre for Data Analytics, University of Galway as they presented their ground breaking research during the 'Data Science Institute Lightning Talks' event held as part of the university's SDG Week 2024. Their work is truly inspirational and benefits both people and the planet as we showed today how Insight research fulfills the majority of the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
Topics included 'Unlocking Health Data for Smarter Decisions' by heike vornhagen; 'Converting Wastewater into Energy' by Saeed Alsamhi; 'Decarbonisation and digitalisation of Atlantic Ports' Umair ul Hassan; 'Intelligent Pavement Condition Rating System for Cycle routes and Greenways' by Ihsan Ullah; 'Peatland Policy Portal for Ecosystem Restoration and Carbon Sequestration' by Fergus O'Donoghue ; 'Marine Planner Tool' by Carlos Tighe; and 'Monitoring & Improving Air Quality' by Eoin Jordan.
We were honoured to have present at this very well-attended event Brid Seoige, Head of Content at the University of Galway, Eugene Farrell from the Discipline of Geography at the University of Galway and Irish representative on the European Marine Board (marine science policy) Working Group on ‘Coastal Resilience’, and Michelle O'Dowd, Sustainability Officer at the University of Galway.
The University of Galway is the number one university in Ireland and in the top 50 in the world for Sustainable Development.
Insight is playing its part in helping to secure this key status for Galway and Ireland.
Finally, well done to Brian Wall for his excellent job at MC, Thomas Grigas for the technical support, Claire Browne for the logistics and Nitesh Bharot for taking this fine photo!
Our Son’s Wedding
Along with Cepta's niece Helena, her cousin and confidante Ciara (who started the wedding proceedings by lighting one of many candles) with her family, it was touching too to have her sisters Rena and Áine present as I remember them as graceful bridesmaids at our own wedding all those years ago.